We all see different types of changes in our daily life activities, among which a few are reversible, and a few are irreversible. Some examples of these changes include the melting of ice, a bud changing to a flower, the …
Chapter 5 – Acids, Bases, and Salts Acids and Bases How many of you love having a chilled glass of lemon juice on a summer day? I knew it, everybody. How does it taste? It is sour in taste because …
Chapter 4 – Heat Hot and Cold While performing our daily tasks, we often need to touch a number of objects, among which some are cold and hot. Obviously, an iron rod exposed to the sun for a longer period …
Digestion in Humans (Nutrition in Animals) Human beings consume their food with the help of the mouth. The food particles are then digested and utilized for various bodily functions. The ingested food that remains undigested gets defecated. What exactly happens …
In Class 7 Nutrition in Plants Chapter, students will be introduced to many new concepts related to plants and how they get nutrition for themselves; they will also get to know about photosynthesis-process of preparation of food in plants, chlorophyll, …
Topics Covered (NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 15 Air Around Us) Is air present everywhere around us? What is air made up of? How does oxygen become available to animals and plants living in water and soil? How …
Important topics covered in NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Fun with Magnets How Magnets Were Discovered Magnetic and non-magnetic materials Poles of magnet Finding directions Make your own magnet Attraction and repulsion between magnets Solution of Fun With Magnet …
1. Fill in the blanks:(a) A device that is used to break an electric circuit is called_______________(b) An electric cell has___________Ans:(a) switch(b) two 2. Mark ‘True’ or ‘False’ for the following statements:(a) Electric current can flow through metals.(b) Instead of …
1. Rearrange the boxes given below to make a sentence that helps us understand opaque objects.[OPAQ] |[UE OJ][BJEC][T SM|[ AKE |[SHAD|[OWS]Ans:Â OPAQUE OBJECTS MAKE SHADOWS 2. Classify the objects or materials given below as opaque, transparent or translucent and luminous …
Important topics covered in NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Motion and Measurement of Distances Story of transport How wide is this desk? Some measurements Standard units of measurements Correct measurement of length Measuring the length of a curved line …
1. What is a habitat? Ans:Â The surroundings where animals live is called their habitat. The organisms depend on their habitat for their food, water, air, shelter and other needs. Habitat means a dwelling place. 2. How are cactus adapted to …
1. Fill in the blanks: (a) Joints of the bones help in the_____________ of the body. (b) A combination of bones and cartilages forms the_______________ of the body. (c) The bones at the elbow are joined by a______________ (d) The …
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science will have a variety of questions which will help students identify different types of questions that can be asked on a particular topic. To score good marks in the examination and to understand advanced …
1. Why do we need to separate different components of a mixture? Give two examples.Ans: Among different components of a mixture there are many substances which are harmful or not useful for us. To remove these harmful or unuseful components …
Q. 1. Name five objects which can be made from wood. Ans. (i) Table (ii) Chair (iii) Doors (iv) Boat (v) Bed Q.2. Select those objects from the following that shine: Glass bowl, plastic toy, steel spoon, cotton shirt Ans. …
1. Name the major nutrients in our food. Ans: The major nutrients in our food are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. 2. Name the following: (a) The nutrients which mainly give energy to our body. (b) The nutrients that …