NCERT Solutions Class 7 Wastewater Story guides the students to segregate waste in a way to reduces water pollution. This chapter demonstrates the importance of water in balancing the ecosystem. Students will get to study the meaning of sewage, its …
The Class 7 Chapter 12Â Science Forest: Our Lifeline Is about the condition of the forest lands in our country. It brings out the importance of forests in our lives, and it also depicts the effects of forest depletion on …
Important points that you should remember about the chapter 1. Fill in the blanks: a. An image that cannot be obtained on a screen is called ———-. Ans: Virtual image. b. The image formed by a concave ———- is always …
1. Draw in your notebook the symbols to represent the following components of electrical circuits: Connecting wires, switch in the ‘OFF’ position, bulb, cell, switch in the ‘ON’ position, and battery. Solution: 2. Draw the circuit diagram to represent the …
1. Classify the following as motion along a straight line, circular or oscillatory motion: (i) Motion of your hands while running. (ii) Motion of a horse pulling a cart on a straight road. (iii) Motion of a child in a …
Exercise Questions1. Fill in the blanks:(a) Production of new individuals from the vegetative part of the parent is called_____________.(b) A flower may have either male or female reproductive parts. Such a flower is called_____________.(c) The transfer of pollen grains from …
Circulatory System We all know that blood flows out whenever we get a cut. Blood is defined as the fluid that flows through the blood vessels. It transports oxygen from the lungs to various parts of the body. It also …
NCERT Grade 7 Science, Chapter 6, Respiration in Organisms is all about respiration, the reasons behind respiration, and a few different concepts related to respiration. The first component discusses the motives at the back of breathing. Under this, terms like …
We all see different types of changes in our daily life activities, among which a few are reversible, and a few are irreversible. Some examples of these changes include the melting of ice, a bud changing to a flower, the …
Chapter 5 – Acids, Bases, and Salts Acids and Bases How many of you love having a chilled glass of lemon juice on a summer day? I knew it, everybody. How does it taste? It is sour in taste because …
Chapter 4 – Heat Hot and Cold While performing our daily tasks, we often need to touch a number of objects, among which some are cold and hot. Obviously, an iron rod exposed to the sun for a longer period …
Digestion in Humans (Nutrition in Animals) Human beings consume their food with the help of the mouth. The food particles are then digested and utilized for various bodily functions. The ingested food that remains undigested gets defecated. What exactly happens …
In Class 7 Nutrition in Plants Chapter, students will be introduced to many new concepts related to plants and how they get nutrition for themselves; they will also get to know about photosynthesis-process of preparation of food in plants, chlorophyll, …