In Chapter Exercise -1 1. What is a tissue? Solution: A tissue is defined as a cluster of cells, which are similar in structure and work together to perform a particular function. 2. What is the utility of tissues in …
What you have learnt In Chapter Exercise – 1 1. Who discovered cells, and how? Solution: In 1665, Robert Hooke discovered cells while examining a thin slice of cork through a self-designed microscope. He observed that the cork resembled the …
What you have learnt In Chapter Exercise-1 1. What are the canal rays? Solution: The radiations that are positively charged are canal rays. This discovery was crucial in the discovery of another subatomic particle that was positively charged – the …
What you have learnt In Chapter Exercise- 1 1. In a reaction, 5.3g of sodium carbonate reacted with 6 g of acetic acid. The products were 2.2 g of carbon dioxide, 0.9 g of water and 8.2 g of sodium …
What we have learnt In Lesson Exercise-1 1. What is meant by a substance? Solution: A substance is a pure single form of matter. It has definite properties and compositions. Example: Iron 2. List the points of difference between homogeneous …
Matter is an important concept in Science, and it forms the basis for topics that are taught in later classes. Learn more by referring to NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Science (Chemistry) Chapter 1 – Matter in Our Surroundings. Solutions are …