Nomads are people who do not live in one place but move from one area to another to earn a living. In modern times, we still come across nomads and nomadic communities around the world who have no permanent houses. …
Under Forest Transformations in Java in Chapter 4 of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 History, students will study the following:1. The Woodcutters of Java2. Dutch Scientific Forestry3. Samin’s Challenge4. War and Deforestation5. New Developments in Forestry Q.1 Discuss how the …
President of the Weimar Republic Paul Von Hindenburg made Hitler the chancellor of Germany. Shortly after, a mysterious fire broke out in the Reichstag, the parliament building of Germany. Blaming the act of arson on communists and other ‘enemy of …
Chapter 1 of the NCERT Social Science History textbook – Indian and the Contemporary World is titled ‘ Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution.’ Some of the important political traditions of the nineteenth century and how they influenced change in European …
1. Describe the circumstances leading to the outbreak of revolutionary protest in France. Answer: When King Louis XVI was anointed as the new king, he found an empty treasury. Long years of war had drained the financial resources of France. …
Chapter 8 The Making of the National Movement: 1870s -1947 of NCERT Our Pasts-III deals with the emergence of nationalism. The nationalists’ consciousness began to be clearly stated by the political associations formed after 1850, especially those that came into …
Chapter 7 of NCERT Our Pasts-III deals with reforms in favour of women, anti-casteism and other related topics. The nature and history of gender inequality in Indian society are discussed in the chapter. Students will read about the historical plight …
Chapter 6 of NCERT Our Pasts -IIIÂ deals with the involvement and interference of the British in Indian education. The chapter details the views of the Orientalists and the anglicisms. Students will read about the views of James Mill, Thomas Macaulay …
Chapter 5 When People Rebel 1857 and After of Our Pasts-III deals with the transformation of Nawabs from strong rulers to rulers whose powers started eroding. Students of Class 8 History NCERT learn about the conditions of Indian peasants and …
Chapter 4 of Our Pasts-III deals with different categories of people like tribals, shifting cultivators and herders. Class 8 Chapter 4 talks about how the tribals faced problems with the advent of money lenders, traders and the Europeans whom they …
Chapter 3 Ruling the Countryside of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 History deals with the East India Company (EIC) taking over the Bengal administration. Further, students will read about how East India Company acquired the Diwani rights, starting with Robert …
Chapter 2 of ‘Our Pasts-III’ deals with the advent of European power in India. It talks about how the Mughal Empire fell with the death of Aurangzeb and how the Nawabs started disintegrating with the Mughal Empire. Students will also …
Being a mass media, newspapers provide more backdrop, context and elaborate descriptions. However, the relative merits and accuracy of a piece of information from any source can only be determined after proper research and investigation. To get a balanced and …
The 18th-century political formations in India were very dramatic, with the country changing at a very rapid pace. During the first half of the century, the Mughal Empire dwindled as a result of the emergence of independent kingdoms. The second …
Regional cultures today are often the product of complex processes of intermixing local traditions with ideas from other parts of the subcontinent. Some traditions appear specific to some regions, while others seem to be similar across regions. Yet others derive …
Intense devotional or love of God is the inheritance of different types of Bhakti and Sufi movements that have developed since the 8th Century. Before the emergence of large kingdoms, various groups of people worshipped their own gods and goddesses. …